~ UPCOMING ~ ( get in touch you’d like to read with me in 2025! Especially California; Los Angeles / Bay Area; PIttsburgh, PA )

20 March 2025: Night Light Reading Series with collaborator Corey Zeller, and others. Online, 6 pm PST / 9 pm EST. details forthcoming

March 2025 Los Angeles, CA: AWP CONFERENCE

  • Thursday, March 27th: 10:35 - 11:50: Hybrid Selves, Hybrid Form: Queer and Feminist Possibilities of the Prose Poem with K. Iver, Dawn Lundy Martin, Julie Marie Wade, and Allison Blevins

    Room 503, Level 2 ~~ The prose poem is often first (or entirely) encountered in straight and masculine contexts, associated with Charles Baudelaire’s 19th century pronouncement, “Always be a poet, even in prose.” This panel revises that pronouncement to read: “Always be a poet, especially in queer and feminist prose.” Four queer panelists reveal through reading and conversation an alternative and empowering legacy for the prose poem.

  • Friday, March 28th: 12:00 - 1:00 PM: Book Signing for There Is Only One Ghost in the World for FC2 / Fiction Collective Two, Book Fair Table 515

~ PAST ~

February 2024, Kansas City, MO: AWP CONFERENCE events/panels, Thursday - Saturday

  • Thursday: 2:00 - 3:00 PM, book signing for There Is Only One Ghost in the World — FC2 / Fiction Collective 2

    • 3:00 - 4:00 PM, book signing with contributors to Another Last Call: Poems on Addiction and Deliverance

  • Friday: 10:35 - 11:50 AM : The Against Tradition Tradition: Contradiction & the Prose Poem ( with Leslie Sainz, Dana Levin Jose Hernandez Diaz, and Olatunde Osinaike) : Originating in nineteenth-century France as a subversive form “supple . . . and rugged enough to adapt . . . to the lyrical impulses of the soul,” prose poems are now taught in writing classrooms across the globe. Has their popularity changed their capacity for surprise, radicalism, and (non)sense? How are contemporary poets troubling the contradictions inherent in the form’s name? This diverse panel of poets will consider these questions and trace their relationships to the indefinable prose poem.

    • 3:20-4:35 PM: Whose Line Is It Anyway? The Ecstasy & Agony of Collaborative Books (with Rochelle Hurt, Cynthia Arrieu-King, W. Todd Kaneko, and Vi Khi Nao) : Collaboration is a deeply enriching, inspiring, and challenging experience for writers seeking creative connection and growth. The exchange of ideas and trust within a collaborative book project is intimidating, but it can have transformative effects on writers' voices and visions. In this panel, five authors of collaborative books across a range of genres will shed light on the process of writing, editing, and publishing collaboratively.

  • Saturday: 2:00 - 4:00 PM - Crossroads Reading with Henrietta Goodman, Becca Klaver & more! Turnsol Books, 1664 Broadway Blvd

    • 7:00 - 9:00 PM - Fiction Collective Two’s 50th Anniversary Celebration Reading, TapRoom @ Torn Label, 1708 Campbell Street

16 December 2023 (Saturday): Malibu, CA, Malibu Public Library, featured reader for Caffeinated Verse, 11:00 AM

19 November 2023 (Sunday): Miami, FL, Miami Book Festival

  • 11 AM: You’ve Got a Ticket To Ride with Nicole Tallman and Mervyn Taylor - Bldg. 8, 3rd floor, Rm. 8303

  • 2 PM: Poetic Prose with Kelle Groom and Julie Marie Wade - Bldg. 8, 2nd floor, Rm. 8203

7 June 2023: Pittsburgh, PA, White Whale Bookstore, with Jim Daniels

20 May 2023: Lincoln, NE, Francie and Finch Bookshop, 4:30 PM

13 October 2022: Chapel Hill, NC @ UNC—Chapel Hill (Donovan Lounge, Greenlaw Hall 223) 3:30 PM - Open to the public

11 april 2021: online for Alaska Quarterly Review, with Victoria Chang and Kimiko Hahn

22 feb 2020: Hillsborough, NC: The House Party Series (Bull City Press) with Dorianne Laux, Cassandra J. Bruner, & Joseph Millar

18 jan 2020: Spartanburg, SC The (Patio) Sessions, Queer Writers Edition w Aidan Forster & Kamden Hillard

10 march 2019: Pittsburgh, PA: Free Association Reading Series @ City of Asylum

26 feb 2019: Lewisburg, PA: Stadler Center for Poetry and Literary Arts with A. Van Jordan

8 feb 2019: NYC: COUPLET Reading Series w Donika Kelly, Catherine Barnett, & friends

22 june 2018: Lincoln, NE: The Aliens Reading Series, Parrish Studios

20 april 2018: Houston, TX: Brazos Bookstore

6 april 2018: Marfa, TX: Blue Mountain Reading Series w Ryan Paradiso & Morgan Eldridge

2 dec 2017: Pittsburgh, PA: White Whale Bookshop w Rachel Mennies & Lauren Russell

18 nov 2017: Miami, FL: Miami Book Fair: "Writing The Unanswerable: Poets on The Body's Journey" (reading & panel)

23 sept 2017: Kansas City, MO: A Common Sense Reading Series, KCAI Crossroads Gallery: Center for Contemporary Practice, w Valerie Hsuing & Mark Tardi

24 may 2017: Pittsburgh, PA: White Whale Bookshop, w Toby Altman & friends

18 may 2017: Brooklyn, NY: Berl's Poetry Bookshop

17 feb 2017: Washington DC; AWP reading w YesYes Books authors, MLK Library